The AP Spanish Language and Culture tutoring helps students improve proficiency in the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication in order to prepare students to successfully take the AP Spanish exam and use Spanish throughout their lives in various contexts.
- Understand spoken and written Spanish in authentic dialogues, lectures, oral presentations, newscasts, newspapers, letters, essays, podcasts, Internet articles, instructions, short stories, novels, poetry and other mediums.
- Speak on a wide variety of formal and informal topics through presenting, convincing, arguing, inquiring and describing with accuracy and fluency.
- Write formal and informal compositions in a wide variety of styles (e-mail, creative writing, presentation, analysis, synthesis) with appropriate grammatical structure, rich vocabulary use and proper use of register to differentiate between audiences.
- Discuss interdisciplinary topics, building on knowledge acquired from other courses
- Understand the cultural similarities and differences (products, practices and perspectives) between students’ native cultures and target cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and use new knowledge to understand unique perspectives and communicate more richly and effectively.
- Use Spanish to communicate authentically in the local and International communities during the course and throughout the rest of their lives using the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal and presentational
Textbooks and Materials:
Temas, AP Guide – is full of authentic resources culled from a variety of sources in the Spanish speaking world. Additional authentic resources such as literature, essays, magazine and newspaper articles, current websites, podcasts, video and other current audiovisual resources are used to help students explore different cultural elements from the Spanish speaking world and compare them to their own experiences in order to understand target cultures and thus communicate more richly and effectively.
Class Frequency:
Tutoring can be scheduled as needed by the student – not all students are in the same level prior to taking AP Spanish. A student with strong grammar background and good speaking skills can do well with a 1hr class once a week. When the student has many areas that need to be reviewed a longer class or a 1hr class twice per week may be necessary.